• Adriana Roseno Monteiro Universidade Federal de Roraima
  • Antonio Tolrino de Rezende Veras Universidade Federal de Roraima


This article discusses housing in Brazil, which is one of the main urban problems in contemporary times. Housing is a high cost commodity with selective access, thus excluding economically disadvantaged social groups. The segregating character that permeates the housing issue is evidenced as a historically established process in our capitalist society. Therefore, the main objective of this research was to analyze the housing situation in Brazil, in view of Brazilian urbanization and the commercialization of urban land and housing, considering that housing is a key issue in public policies, projecting itself as a material form of social inclusion. Thus, this research made it possible to perceive that the housing problem in Brazil has not been totally solved yet. To this end, the provision of housing for low income families is indispensable, through well-developed and effective public housing policies that guarantee social development, combat poverty and seek a better quality of life for all citizens.

Author Biographies

Adriana Roseno Monteiro, Universidade Federal de Roraima
Graduada em Licenciatura e Bacharelado em Geografia pela Universidade Federal de Roraima (2007). Especialista em Psicopedagogia pela Faculdade Albert Einstein (2010). Especialista em Metodologia do Ensino de História e Geografia pela Faculdade Internacional de Curitiba (2011). Mestrado em Geografia pelo programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal de Roraima.
Antonio Tolrino de Rezende Veras, Universidade Federal de Roraima
Professor em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação stricto sensu da Universidade Federal de Roraima (UFRR). Bacharel, mestre e doutor em Geografia e pesquisador do Departamento de Geografia e do programa de Pós-Graduação em Geografia da Universidade Federal de Roraima.
How to Cite
MONTEIRO, Adriana Roseno; VERAS, Antonio Tolrino de Rezende. THE HOUSING ISSUE IN BRAZIL. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 16, may 2017. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 july 2024. doi:


Habitação; Políticas Públicas Habitacionais; Inclusão Social.