• Cesar Augusto Martins FURG


The study of the strategies and actions related to fishing industrialization enables the understanding of the
tension between natural rhythms (stocks transformed into raw material) and social ones, represented by companies, the State and work. This paper problematizes the territorial changes and strategies of world economic groups in management centers in the Autonomous Community of Galicia in Spain. These corporate strategies place Spain as one of the largest producers of industrialized fishing in the world and have mitigated problems related to the access to raw material, labor conflicts, international competition and commercial chains that have their own trademarks. Companies invest in research, advertising, product diversification and the recognition of Galicia as a maritime power. The processes of territorial transformation are: the centralization of capital in a smaller number of companies; the externalization of phases of the productive process to Latin America and Africa; the separation of management centers and factories located in the old industrial areas; and the increase in mechanization that intensifies conflicts with the workers’ organization of the sector.

Keywords: Fishing industries; Companies; Territory 

Author Biography

Cesar Augusto Martins, FURG

Doutor em GEOGRAFIA pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2006). Foi professor em escolas públicas e privadas entre 1986 e 1988. Bolsista de produtividade em pesquisa do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico e coorientador de doutorado na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Professor na FURG desde 1989. Tem experiência na área de Geografia, com ênfase em Geografia Econômica, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: indústria, cidade, urbano, e ensino. 

How to Cite
MARTINS, Cesar Augusto. MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE OF THE SPANISH FISHING INDUSTRY. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 16, dec. 2017. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 07 feb. 2025. doi:


indústria da pesca; empresas; território