• Sergio Rossi Heras Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Espanha
  • Marcelo de Oliveira SOARES


Since the 1980s, the effects of the El Niño phenomenon have been taken note of seriously from an ecosystem
and economic point of view. After the fishing debacle in the 1980s, in countries, such as Peru and Chile,
and the phenomena of coral bleaching detected worldwide due to the intense changes in the oceanographic
conditions, the effects of this phenomenon have been studied more systematically (since El Niño 1997–98).
Without having the absolute certainty of whether climate change is increasing the frequency or intensity
of its impacts, what is clear is that there are very serious repercussions associated with El Niño both on
the composition and on dynamics of the coastal and marine ecosystems, and also the associated economic
impacts are very evident. In light of the 2015–16 El Niño, some ecosystem and economic consequences of
this phenomenon have been described in contrast systems (fisheries and ocean upwelling, coral reefs and
mangroves), emphasizing the possible role of climate change and its consequences on marine biodiversity.

Keywords: El Niño; Climate change; Coral reef; Mangrove; Upwelling; Fishery..

Author Biographies

Sergio Rossi Heras, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Espanha

I'm a senior scientific researcher in the Institut de Ciència I Tecnologia Ambientals (UAB), specialized in marine natural resources and biological oceanography. I've been working in the Institut de Ciències del Mar (CSIC) during almost 13 years (including practices) and now I will work in the Intituto de Ciencias del Mar y Limnología (UNAM, México). My main interest are focused on the health status bioindicators of benthic coastal populations, energy fluxes in the bentho-pelagic coupling processes, aquaculture and transplantation of marine organisms and the management and conservation of wild marine fauna. I have been in three different Antarctic cruises with the research vessel Polarstern (ANT XVII / 3; ANT XXI / 2; ANT XXVII / 3 ). I have over 75 Scientific publications, I have participated in 44 national and international congresses and in 35 scientific and applied projects. As a scientific journalist, I have been an active collaborator with different journals and magazines (Público, El País, Geo, Quercus, etc.) with more than 130 scientific outreach publications and several books: Medusa (2007) and El cementerio de icebergs (2010), [Plaza & Janés (ecothrillers)], El planeta azul, un universo en extinción (2011) [Debate (critical essay)] and El equipo Krakatek (2011) [Ediciones B (kid’s books)]. The last one is Un viaje a la Antártida (2013) [Tusquets, Metatemas (critical assay)].

Marcelo de Oliveira SOARES

Doutor em Geociências (2010) pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul-UFRGS. Realizou pós-doutorado na Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona-UAB (2016). Atualmente é Professor Adjunto IV do Instituto de Ciências do Mar (LABOMAR) da Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC). Foi vice-coordenador da graduação em Ciências Ambientais (2011-2013). Atualmente é o coordenador do programa de pós-graduação (mestrado e doutorado) em Ciências Marinhas Tropicais (PPGCMT-UFC) (2017-2019). Integra redes de pesquisa regionais como o PRONEX (Núcleos de Excelência) que estuda a geodiversidade e biodiversidade na margem equatorial atlântica e redes nacionais como o INCT Ambientes Marinhos Tropicais que analisa o efeito das mudanças ambientais globais nos recifes de corais no Brasil. No âmbito internacional, atuou também como pesquisador no Institut de Ciències del Mar da Espanha (ICM-CSIC), Centre di Recherche Scientifique (CSM) do Principado de Mônaco e é membro da rede BRASPOR (Brasil-Portugal) de pesquisa na zona costeira. É editor associado da Revista Arquivos de Ciências do Mar. Tem experiência em Oceanografia Ambiental e Geociências, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: impactos antrópicos (locais e globais) em sistemas costeiros-marinhos e conservação com áreas marinhas protegidas. É líder de grupo de pesquisa certificado pelo CNPq-UFC.

How to Cite
HERAS, Sergio Rossi; SOARES, Marcelo de Oliveira. EFFECTS OF EL NIÑO ON THE COASTAL ECOSYSTEMS AND THEIR RELATED SERVICES. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 16, dec. 2017. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <http://www.mercator.ufc.br/mercator/article/view/e16030>. Date accessed: 05 oct. 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.4215/rm2017.e16030.