The mapping of the surface geocovers and their association with lithological, structural and topographic aspects is the main objective of this research, carried out in Chapadão do Diamante (Chd), the extreme eastern portion of Serra da Canastra. With this purpose, aerogamaespectrometric data obtained from sub-orbital flights, high-resolution Google ™ images and fieldwork with superficial material collection was used to create a Surface Geocover Map. The result show a correlation between these variables, either in their cartographic aspect, or through quantitative data. The structural aspects obtained through the delineation of linear features observable in shaded relief images, were analyzed from the overlapping to the Map of Surface Geocover and from a qualitative point of view indicated a distribution throughout the ChD area, demonstrating the main material differentiation in relation to the areas with the highest intensity of rocky outcrops and those with flat tops and hill slopes. In addition, the spatial and descriptive statistics analysis was preponderant for a better understanding of the distribution of the surface geocover data in relation to the aspects of the mapped relief units and the specific topographic aspects, such as slope and curvature of the relief.
Keywords: Surface materials. Quartzite reliefs. Geocartography. Air-gama spectrometry data
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