
The concept of socio-spatial fragmentation has been debated for several decades, especially in Latin America. As other concepts, it has been approached from very different perspectives and themes. This has led to the socio-spatial fragmentation to be presented as a concept that is polysemic and confusing at the same time. With the double aim of making it explanatory of the current developments and continuing to delimit it, the times, spaces and geographies that have given rise to socio-spatial fragmentation are analyzed. This analysis is based on three trends: the breakdown of the modern project, the chronification of the capitalist crisis, and the differential urbanization processes. From each of these trends an attribute emerges with which to explain the origins of socio-spatial fragmentation: Separation, contradiction and homogenization offer an expanded vision of the concept, allowing the establishment of a network of processes that clarify how and why a transition has been consolidated in the relations between space and society, which can be called the differential moment.


Author Biography

Alejandro Morcuende, Universidad de Bracelona, Barcelona, Espanha

 Doutorado em Geografia (2018) pela Universidade de Barcelona. Durante o doutorado realizou um estágio no Institute de Géographie - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2015-2016). Foi impulsor e docente do Mestrado de Estudos Urbanos Avanzados da Universidade de Barcelona (2017-2019). Atualmente é pesquisador de pós-doutorado na Universidade Estadual Paulista - Presidente Prudente, no projeto FragUrb - Fragmentação socioespacial e urbanização brasileira: Escalas, vetores, ritmos e formas. As suas áreas de pesquisa são a Geografia Urbana e Sociologia Urbana



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How to Cite
MORCUENDE, Alejandro. BEHIND THE ORIGINS OF SOCIO-SPATIAL FRAGMENTATION. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 20, july 2021. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 july 2024. doi: