
The knowledge of the spatial variability of the generation and transport of sediments allows the identification with considerable precision critical areas regarding the generation and flow of detrital materials in atersheds. This paper aims to relate the spatial variability of soil loss and sediment connectivity in a contribution basin of the Batalha Hydroelectric Power Plant reservoir in the municipality of Cristalina (GO). The methodology
comprised the bivariate spatial correlation between production estimates (MUSLE) and the Connectivity Index (CI) applied at a slope scale in the basin's contribution area. The results indicate the configuration of four spatial patterns: low production and low connectivity index in most of the area, comprising the higher and flatter portions; low production and high connectivity index in the vicinity of springs and drainage channels; high production and low connectivity index in the higher, steeper and more distant portions; and high production and high connectivity, predominating in the steepest portions and closest to the channels or even in those portions that are more distant but are connected to the channel, in the latter situation via more intense surface runoff flow lines. In this sense, the importance of this methodology is highlighted in the identification of critical areas, which are priority areas for the implementation of mitigating measures of the impacts resulting from hydric erosive processes. 

Keywords: Water Erosion, Sediment Contribution, Critical Areas, Water Reservoirs.

Author Biographies

Elizon Dias Nunes, Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Goiânia (GO), Brazil

PhD (2015) in Geography from the Federal University of Goiás. From 2008 to 2009, he worked on the Survey, Study and Development of Biofuel Production Potential project in the Area of Influence of the North-South Railroad, which involved modeling socio-environmental conditions applied to the implementation of biodiesel plants. During the year 2010 he served as a P III level teacher of elementary and high school at the State Department of Education of Goiás. From 2014 to 2017 he worked on the project Monitoring and Study of Alternative Techniques for Stabilizing Erosive Processes in UHE Reservoirs under the Furnas-Eletrobras-UFG agreement. He is currently a Geographer at the Institute of Socio-Environmental Studies at the Federal University of Goiás and a Furnas-Eletrobrás R&D Scholar, where he develops research related to hydrological modeling and erosion processes, as well as the input and transfer of sediments in reservoir basins of UHEs, agreement ANEEL - UFG. In the technical area, he has experience in the use and teaching of Geoprocessing, Geographic Information Systems and Remote Sensing, as well as in the development of different methodologies applied to hydrological modeling and erosion processes. In teaching he has experience in teaching Geography at Elementary and Middle levels, as well as in advising on evaluation methodologies for Student Admission Commissions. At the technological and graduation levels in the teaching of disciplines related to Physical Geography.

Patrícia Araújo Romão, Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Goiânia (GO), Brazil.

PhD in Geotechnics from the University of Brasília (2006). He is currently an associate professor 4 at the Federal University of Goiás and is also a permanent professor in the Graduate Course in Geography at the State University of Goiás. He has experience in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Cartography and in Geoprocessing, mainly in research on the themes, erosion processes in tropical soils and urban flooding.

Maurício Martines Sales, Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Goiânia (GO), Brazil.

PhD in Geotechnics from the University of Brasilia (2000) and postdoctoral internships in 2008 at the University of Sydney-Australia and in 2016 at Purdue University-USA. He is currently a Full Professor at the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UFG. He works in the Graduate Program in Geotechnics, Structures and Civil Construction / UFG. He has experience in the area of Geotechnics, working mainly in the areas of Foundations, Erosions, Tropical Soils, In-situ Tests and Numerical Analysis.

Newton Moreira Souza, University of Brasilia, Brasília (DF), Brazil.

PhD in Geotechnics from the University of São Paulo - São Carlos (1994), with a postdoctoral internship in Geoenvironmental Cartography at the Technical University of Berlin (1997) and in Tridimensional Cartography at the New University of Lisbon (2007). He was Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Geotechnics at the University of Brasília and Co-editor of the journals Solos & Rochas and Geotechnics, member of the advisory body of the Revista Geociências Unesp. Representative member and of the Deliberative Council of the Brazilian Association of Engineering and Environmental Geology, representative member, member of the Council and president of the Technical Commission of Environmental Geotechnics of the Brazilian Association of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. He has guided more than fifty graduate students in the areas of Civil Engineering, Geosciences and Sustainable Development. Leader of the research group on "Geotechnical Cartography and Geoprocessing". Conducts research on the following themes: municipal and urban geotechnical cartography, disasters associated with natural phenomena, tropical soils, erosion, three-dimensional modeling of underground space, mapping of land use and cover, environmental studies related to urban solid waste and sustainable development.

Marta Pereira Luz, Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás, Goiânia (GO), Brazil

PhD in Environmental Sciences from the Federal University of Goiás (2008) and a postdoctoral degree in Geotechnics and Sustainable Construction from Heriot-Watt University (2015). She has experience in Civil Engineering, with emphasis on dams, highways and the environment. She carries out research mainly in the following areas of concentration: geotechnical materials with application in dams and highways, erosion processes, energy sustainability and environmental management. Adjunct Professor at the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás, working in the undergraduate course in Civil Engineering and stricto sensu master's degree in Production and Systems Engineering. Technical Coordinator of Research, Development and Innovation Projects. Coordinator of the Mechanics of Materials Laboratory at Eletrobras Furnas. Journal reviewer: Journal of Environmental Management; Soils and Rocks; Electronic Magazine in Civil Engineering. Member of the Commission for the Special Study of Soils (ABNT/CEE 221); CBDB and ABMS.

Luciano Ferreira Ribeiro, Systems Analyst at Furnas Centrais Elétricas S.A, Goiânia (GO), Brazil.

Master in Production and Systems Engineering from the Pontifical Catholic University of Goiás (2022). He is currently a Systems Analyst at Furnas Centrais Elétricas SA. Acting mainly on the following subjects: Sediments, Reservoir, Computational Modeling, Hydrosedimentology, Sanding and Hydroenergetic Resources.


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How to Cite
NUNES, Elizon Dias et al. SPATIAL VARIABILITY OF ESTIMATES SEDIMENT GENERATION AND CONNECTIVITY IN UHE CONTRIBUTION WATERSHED. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 21, feb. 2023. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 apr. 2024. doi: