For the footwear industry, Sobral, in Ceará, stands out as the most expressive productive territory, a fact that is justified by the location of Grendene's production units. This article aimed to analyze the general aspects of territorial interactions of Grendene-Sobral footwear production based on the spatial circuits of production. To perform this demand, the methodological procedures consisted of: a) review of literature in authors specialized in the subject; b) documentary and statistical survey and c) field research. Through the research, it was found, among other results, that Sobral receives all orders and determinations of production, characterizing itself as a territory used for the production itself. Therefore, the product is idealized in the South, produced in Sobral and distributed to the national and global consumer market, which explains the multiscale of the insums, the organization of the production process and the multiscale of the distribution and consumption of the company's footwear production.
Keywords: Footwear industry. Production space circuit. Sobral. Grendene.
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