
The article follows the paths of Mrs. Maria Geralda, a geographer forged from first-hand experiences in the so-called "sertão" (drylands in the Northeast of Brazil). It highlights, mainly, her stay in the state of Ceará, very expressive for the construction of her professional profile. In Ceará, she experienced dividing herself between the institutional academic life and the political militancy based on geographic knowledge. It also focuses on the places of her comings and goings around the world. Maria Geralda sensed, from the sea, the need to better understand the "sertão", her other passion. She used to claim that the construction of the geographic knowledge and the causes of its subjectivity result from a transposition of an image of objects, practices and spatial processes, and consists in the coherent selection of certain elements considered relevant, to the detriment of others. This pathway she didn't tread alone. Each year, those who approached her formulations and guidelines grew in number. More than a homage, the text is the expression of affection, tenderness, and admiration.

Keywords: Homage, Trajectory, Geographic Knowledge.

Author Biography

José Borzacchiello da Silva, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza (CE), Brazil

Full Professor and Emeritus at the Federal University of Ceará. Professor of the Graduate Programs in Geography at UFC and PUC-RIO, Post-doctorate in Human Geography at the Université de Paris IV - Sorbonne. Doctor and Master in Human Geography from USP. He coordinated the area of Geography at CAPES (2008/2010). Chaired the AGB (1986-1988). Chaired ANPEGE (2003-2005). He works in the area of Urban Geography, especially in the focus of Social Movements. Effective Associate of the Ceará Institute (Historical, Geographical and Anthropological).] Member of the Brazilian Commission for Justice and Peace of the CNBB. He served as Advisor to Cearah Periferia. He is a member of CETRA. He has performed International Expertise and Consulting for the Conseil Scientifiqu of Open Edition which develops the Revue.org Platform. He edited the book French-Brazilian Geography-The Influence of French Geography in Brazil, for Springer Briefs in Latin American Studies. He is part of the PRINT / CAPES project Integrated socio-environmental technologies and methods for territorial sustainability: alternatives for local communities in the context of climate change. He is part of the Editorial Committee of national and foreign magazines.


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How to Cite
SILVA, José Borzacchiello da. WOMAN GEOGRAPHER FORGED FROM FIRST-HAND EXPERIENCES IN THE BRAZILIAN NORTHEASTERN DRYLANDS. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 22, may 2023. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <http://www.mercator.ufc.br/mercator/article/view/e22009>. Date accessed: 14 feb. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.4215/rm2023.e22009.