
The contemporary urban phenomenon has challenged studies that seek to establish generalizations about spatial structuring, leading to continual questioning of center-periphery models. The proliferation of shopping malls towards the "peripheries" represents an important indicator capable of promoting this debate. Thus, the article analyzes the spatial structuring logic of Brazil's shopping center sector, particularly its expansion into the Brazilian Amazon. To that end, it raises two questions: Is the Brazilian center-periphery model still able to explain shopping centers' spatial distribution, considering the regions and hierarchy of the cities in which they are located? Based on the hierarchy and intra-urban space of its cities, how does this spatial distribution take place in the Brazilian Amazon? The sector's data is mapped based on information from the Brazilian Association of Malls and the Regic/IBGE/2018 study. On the intra-urban scale, it establishes three locational types (central, pulverized, fragmented) based on the uses within a 1 km radius of the malls. The study concludes that the center-periphery model has not lost its explanatory validity. However, it must be improved to capture the complexity of contemporary spatial structuring, dialoguing on multiple scales, and different socio-spatial formations.

Keywords: Contemporary Urban, Center, Periphery, Shopping Mall, Brazilian Amazon.

Author Biographies

Marlon Lima da Silva, Federal University of Pará, Belém (PA), Brazil

Master in Geography (UFPA/2014). Geographer at the Belém Metropolitan Area Development and Administration Company CODEM (2014-2015). Substitute professor at the Faculty of Geography and Cartography at UFPA (2015-2016). Technician in Urban Development Management at the State Secretariat for Urban Development and Public Works SEDOP (2015-2016). Effective professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará (IFPA)/Campus Abaetetuba (PA). PhD student in Geography (UFPA/2021-2025). Works with the following research topics: Production of Urban Space; Contemporary Urbanization; Housing; Retail business.

Jovenildo Cardoso Rodrigues, Federal University of Pará, Belem (PA), Brazil

PhD in Geography from the Paulista State University Júlio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP/Presidente Prudente Campus (CAPES 7 Concept). He is a member of the Network of Researchers on Medium Cities-RECIME, the Research Group on Space Production and Regional Redefinitions-GAsPERR, the Center for Studies and Mapping of Social Exclusion for Public Policies-CEMESPP. He is a researcher member of the Academic Group on Land Production and Environment in the Amazon-GAPTA. He is leader of the Laboratory of Geographical Studies on Housing and Housing in the Amazon-LAHAM. Adjunct Professor I at the Federal University of Pará (UFPA), linked to the Faculty of Geography, Ananindeua Campus, where he served as Deputy Director. He currently serves as Vice-Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Geography - PPGEO/UFPA. He is a Teaching Representative of the Graduate Program in Geography / PPGEO at the Institute of Philosophy and Human Sciences (IFCH) at the Federal University of Pará. He also acts as PERMANENT professor of the Graduate Program in Geography - PPGEO/UFPA, guiding MASTER and DOCTORATE research and developing work related to the themes: Production of space, Production of urban space, real estate capital, Inequality and socio-spatial segregation, Urbanization, Urban restructuring, cities, medium-sized cities, Urban planning and management, Territorial order, Housing policies, Housing production, Epistemology of geography.


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How to Cite
DA SILVA, Marlon Lima; RODRIGUES, Jovenildo Cardoso. CONTEMPORARY URBAN AND CENTER-PERIPHERY STRUCTURE. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 22, july 2023. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 27 apr. 2024. doi: