
Landforms can orientate the hydrodynamics and distribution of materials on the ground, producing flattened and/or lowered geomorphic surfaces given the evolutionary characteristics from climatic, morphogenetic and pedogenetic factors. This work aims to demonstrate the compartmentalization and association of geomorphic surfaces covered by ferruginous duricrusts in Savannah areas in Brazil according to a relief dissection matrix. This matrix indicates the vertical cutting of the valleys and the interfluvial horizontal dimension of the hills through landform measurements in radar images, classification in alphanumeric codes and statistical correlations. The results indicated details in the compartmentalization of the surface according to the landform roughness, making it possible to link, through data from the dissection matrix and the statistical correlation, the association between the compartments according to summit positions and remaining depressed areas. Despite the fact that more robust measurements obtained from high-precision mappings can point out further landform evolutionary stages, it is understood that a dissection matrix and its statistical correlations can not only compartmentalize the landscape and provide an initial overview of the landscape’s evolution, but also indicate geomorphic surfaces that could have been worked at the same time. In this sense, the recognition of geomorphic surfaces, occurrence of duricrusts and landforms in this work allowed a certain morphogenetic correspondence that can contribute to geomorphological studies, although the results must be observed with caution when verified from the tropical perspective of relief evolution.

Keywords: Valley Cutting; Interfluvial Dimension; Dissection Matrix; Geomorphic Surfaces; Duricrusts

Author Biographies

Raphael Rodrigues Brizzi, Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology, State of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil

Master in Geography from the State University of Rio de Janeiro with emphasis on Management and Structuring of Geographic Space (2015). He is an EBTT Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ) working in the Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences in Coastal Areas and in technical courses in Environment. He is currently a doctoral student in the Postgraduate Program in Soils and Plant Nutrition at ESALQ-USP developing research on the genesis of Plintossolos Pétricos and the evolution of ferruginous duricrosts between the Tocantins and Araguaia rivers, in the State of Tocantins. He has experience in the following lines of research: Pedology, geomorphology and teaching practices in physical geography.

Fernando Nadal Junqueira Villela, University of São Paulo, São Paulo (SP), Brazil

University of São Paulo

PhD in Geography (Physical Geography) from the University of São Paulo (2011). He is currently a professor at the Department of Geography at the University of São Paulo. He is the Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Physical Geography (PPGF), a member of the Board of the Brazilian Geomorphology Union (UGB), a member of the Directed Working Group of the Brazilian Relief Classification System (GTD 2 Taxon) and a collaborating researcher of the Permaclimate Project in Antarctica, Terrantar Research Network (INCT da Criosfera), and was previously the Coordinator of the Undergraduate Course in Geography (COC Licenciatura). He has experience in the area of ​​Geography, with an emphasis on Geomorphology, working mainly on the following themes: climatic geomorphology, pedogeomorphological interactions, characterization of the physical environment and landscape units, geomorphological cartography and study of geomorphological surfaces.

Amanda de Fátima Martin Catarucci, University of São Paulo, São Paulo (SP), Brazil

PhD student in the Postgraduate Program in Physical Geography of DG/FFLCH/USP (2022/2). Professor of Basic, Technical and Technological Education at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Espírito Santo (IFES) - Nova Venécia campus. Member of the Brazilian Geomorphology Union (UGB), the Brazilian Society of Soil Science (SBCS) and the Brazilian Association of Women in Geosciences (ABMGeo). She worked as a technical research assistant in mapping the physical environment (soils, relief, vegetation and land use) in the Geosciences sector/Dasonomy Division of the Forestry Institute of São Paulo (2003-2008); as an Elementary and High School Teacher for the State Department of Education of Espírito Santo (2013-2016) and the Municipal Department of Education of São Paulo (2008-2012). He also worked on extension projects with the Pedology Laboratory of the Geography Department of FFLCH/USP (2008-2012) and is currently developing research and extension activities and projects linked to the Laboratory of Geography Teaching Practices "Mizael Fernandes de Oliveira" and the Center for Environmental Studies and Agroecology (NEAA) of IFES - Nova Venécia campus. He has experience in the area of ​​Education and Geosciences, with an emphasis on Physical Geography and Geotechnologies, working on the following topics: teaching Geography; soil-landscape relationship; soil management and conservation; characterization and mapping of the physical environment.

Heitor Paiva Palma, Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa (MG), Brazil

Master in Soils and Plant Nutrition from the Department of Soils - UFV (2022), working in areas of Technosols developed by the deposit of tailings sludge from the Fundão Dam collapse, Mariana - MG. Currently, a doctoral student also at the same institution and program, with studies focused on surveying and classifying soils in Antarctica. In parallel with his academic activities, he is a stand-up comedian.

Pablo Vidal-Torrado, University of São Paulo, São Paulo (SP), Brazil

PhD (1994) both in Soils and Plant Nutrition from ESALQ-USP. He has a postdoctoral degree in Soil Geochemistry and Pedogenesis from the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain) (1997-1999). Since 2007, he has been a Full Professor at USP. His experience as a professor, researcher and consultant is in the area of ​​Pedology, with emphasis on Genesis, Morphology and Classification of Soils in different regions of the Brazilian territory, working mainly on the following topics: soil formation (pedogenesis), soil-landscape relationships (pedology-geomorphology-geology), soil micromorphology and soil mineralogy.


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How to Cite
BRIZZI, Raphael Rodrigues et al. RECOGNITION OF DURICRUST GEOMORPHIC SURFACES USING A RELIEF DISSECTION MATRIX. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 23, oct. 2024. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 jan. 2025. doi: