
 Soil erosion is currently the main cause of soil degradation. Therefore, it is urgent to implement technologies that aim to reduce erosion processes. The effects of hydrogel on water storage and its ability to reduce surface runoff and soil losses were evaluated. Experiments were set up in pots and in the field, with different doses of hydrogel and under different managements, respectively. In pots, the treatments were: T0 and T02 - 0 g of hydrogel; T0.5g - 0.5 g; T1g - 1 g; T2g - 2g; T3g - 3 g; T4g - 4g and T5g - 5 g of hydrogel. In the field, 13.3 g of hydrogel/m2 was applied to erosion plots installed in an area with soursop cultivation under different conservation managements, namely: – T1 - Planting in contour lines + stone cordons + grass planting; T2 - Planting downhill, without grass; T3 - Contour planting + grass planting and T4 - Downhill planting + grass planting. The total volume of water percolated in each pot and the surface runoff and soil losses were measured. It was concluded that doses between 4 and 5 g/pot cause increases in water retention of more than 20%, mainly after 4 or 5 wetting and drying cycles. The high variability of the treatments made it difficult to measure the effects of the hydrogel on soil losses, requiring more field studies using the polymer.

Keywords: Surface Runoff, Storage, Conservation Practices

Author Biographies

José Falcão Sobrinho, Vale do Acaraú State University, Sobral (CE), Brazil

Post-doctorate in Geography from the Federal University of Ceará (UFC). PhD in Physical Geography from the University of São Paulo (USP -2006). Permanent Professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Geography at the Vale do Acaraú State University/UVA and of the PRODEMA Doctorate Program - Doctorate in Development and Environment at UFC. Leader of the Semiarid Research and Extension Network. Member of the North and Northeast Geography Researchers Network/RENNEGEO and of the Nós Propomos Network. Coordinator of projects supported by PRODETAB, CNPq, CAPES, FUNCAP. Participates in agreements with the Universities of Lisbon and Évora. In research, he works mainly in the semiarid environment, emphasizing relief mapping and erosion processes. Research on technologies for coexisting with the semiarid environment. In teaching, he emphasizes the theoretical bases of Physical Geography and physical-natural approaches in teaching Geography. In extension activities, he develops actions in public schools, coordinates projects for Science Fairs and National Science and Technology Week. He develops projects focused on social technologies in communities. He is a member of the editorial board of the William Morris Davis Journal - Geomorphology Journal; International Journal Semiarid and editor-in-chief of the Geography of the Semiarid Series.

Francisca Edineide Lima Barbosa, Federal University of Ceará, Fortaleza (CE), Brazil

PhD in Soil Science from the Federal University of Ceará-UFC (2012-2016) and Post-Doctorate in Geography from the State University of Vale do Acaraú - UVA. He has experience as a teacher and in the field, in the environmental and agronomic area, with emphasis on Soil Fertility, plant nutrition and Soil Conservation.


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How to Cite
SOBRINHO, José Falcão; BARBOSA, Francisca Edineide Lima. EROSION IN SOILS ADDED WITH HYDROGEL. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 23, oct. 2024. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 26 jan. 2025. doi: