This study aims to examine the patterns of climatic variables and delineate climatically homogeneous regions among Brazilian capitals using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and clustering techniques. Annual climate data from 26 state capitals and the Federal District of Brazil were analyzed, covering the period from 1958 to 2022, representing different regions of the country. The PCA results revealed that the first three principal components accounted for 91.8% of the total data variability. Four climatically homogeneous regions were identified: the East region, the Northeast region, the North region and another region that comprises the rest of the country. Cluster Analysis (CA) also confirmed the formation of four homogeneous groups among municipalities based on climatic variables. The analysis of spatial distribution showed significant variations in annual climate variables between Brazilian capitals, with maximum values observed for maximum and minimum temperatures, precipitation, wind speed, relative humidity, evapotranspiration and soil moisture. These findings contribute to a deeper understanding of climate variability in Brazilian capitals and provide a basis for future studies on climate dynamics and regional impacts.
Keywords: Principal Component Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Multivariate Analysis; Biplot
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