
The agricultural frontier of the Brazilian Amazon, is undergoing significant changes in its land cover, primarily driven by the expansion of cattle ranching and cocoa cultivation. Through the analysis of Landsat 8 satellite images and the WorldCover 10m 2020 product, combined with climatic and socioeconomic data, this study investigated land use dynamics between 2015 and 2023, on the municipality of Brasil Novo. The results revealed a substantial reduction in forest cover, with the expansion of pasturelands as the main driver of deforestation. The temporal analysis of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) indicated interannual variations in vegetation cover, associated with extreme weather events and anthropogenic pressure. Although the municipality still maintains 43.8% of forest cover, with the Arara Indigenous Land being a notable example, the pressure on natural resources demands the implementation of public policies and sustainable management practices to mitigate environmental impacts and ensure the conservation of Amazonian biodiversity.

Keywords: Amazon, NDVI, remote sensing, climate change, livestock, land use.

Author Biographies

Victor Tiago da Silva Catuxo, Federal University of Pará, Belém (PA), Brazil

PhD student in Animal Science. Engineer with experience in the management and implementation of sustainable projects in the Amazon. Extensive experience and knowledge in fishing, aquaculture and forestry resources. Manager of social projects involving traditional, extractive and fishing communities in the Amazon and the Brazilian coastal zone. Currently coordinator of the Sustainable Territory Fomento program developed by the Secretariat for Agricultural and Fisheries Development (SEDAP). Experience in BIM (Building Information Modeling), CAD (Computer Aided Design) and GIS (Geographic Information System) projects. Knowledge of Python and R for Environmental and Social Data Analysis.

Marlene Evangelista Vieira, Amapá State University, Macapá (AP), Brazil

PhD in Plant Production (Soils and Plant Nutrition) from the Darcy Ribeiro State University of Northern Fluminense (2017/2021. She is currently an Assistant Professor I at the State University of Amapá, on the Agricultural Engineering Board, EAG-06 of the course (2024). Researcher/Scholarship holder of the Executive Committee of the Cocoa Crop Plan (2024), in-person tutor - National Rural Learning Service (2022/2024). Agricultural Technician/Agronomist at the State Secretariat for Agricultural Development and Fisheries of Pará. She has experience in the area of ​​Agronomy, working mainly on the following topics: Soil management, Integrated cropping systems, Mineral nutrition of plants, agricultural production, consumption and food security.

Carolina da Silva Gonçalves, Federal Institute of Amapá, Macapá (AP), Brazil

PhD student in Geography at the Federal University of Pará. She worked as a CAPES scholarship holder for the Legal Amazon Program in the Coastal Zone Observatory Project. She holds a degree in Cartographic and Surveying Engineering from the Rural University of the Amazon, and worked as a monitor for Sociology and Rural Extension. She is a member of the GERAM research group - Research Group on Gender Relations and Ruralities in the Amazon; and of the Cabanagem Green Law Academic League at the Center for Traditional Communities and Peoples. She is currently a Substitute Professor at the Federal Rural University of the Amazon and a Councilor for the Regional Council of Engineering and Agronomy. She has experience in Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing.


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How to Cite
CATUXO, Victor Tiago da Silva; VIEIRA, Marlene Evangelista; GONÇALVES, Carolina da Silva. EVALUATION OF DEFORESTATION IN THE MUNICIPALITY OF BRASIL NOVO IN THE STATE OF PARÁ - BRAZIL, USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 23, oct. 2024. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <http://www.mercator.ufc.br/mercator/article/view/e23029>. Date accessed: 26 jan. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.4215/rm2024.e23029.