
The mapping of landscape units is a dynamic process in which constant modifications are needed. Based on this, this article sought to update the mapping of landscape units in the state of Rio Grande do Norte. This was possible due to the combination of field activities and new methodological procedures, with analyzes and refinements of previous mappings conducted by Silva (2018), Bernardino (2019), and Souza (2020). The main result is the update of a mapping that includes the (re-) delimitation and (re-) classification of Morphoclimatic Domains, Natural Regions, and Geocomplexes in the territory of this state. A new unit was identified and inserted: a cerrado enclave, which, until then, had not been described and analyzed as such in the established literature; consequently, one more natural region and two geocomplexes were mapped and delimited. New territorial occurrences of units already identified/classified in the original work were also mapped and, therefore, there was a resizing of landscapes of different taxa, which resulted from these modifications and of the refinement of their limits, due to the greater scalar detail, with the deepening of
the research. 

Keywords: Keywords:Geosystem; Geoprocessing Techniques; Landscape Analysis.

Author Biographies

Marco Túlio Mendonça Diniz, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Caicó (RN), Brazil.

Doctor (2013) in Geography from the same university. He held a Post-Doctorate in the Graduate Program in Geography at the Federal University of Sergipe (2018). He is currently an Associate Professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, CNPq Research Productivity Scholarship holder, chief editor of the Northeast Geosciences Magazine and researcher at the Research Group: Geoprocessing and Physical Geography - LAGGEF/UFRN (leader); Integrated Coastal Zone Management - LAGIZC, CNPq/UECE; GEOPLAN - Geoecology and Territorial Planning - CNPq/UFS; MADES - ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - CNPq/IFPI; and GENAT - Research Group on Risk Management and Natural Disasters, CNPq/UFRN. He was awarded Featured Researcher of the UFRN-Edition 2020 in the area of Human and Social Sciences, Letters and Arts. Member of the Internal Committee of PIBIC/CNPq/UFRN and of the External Committee of PIBIC/CNPq/UFPI. External Reviewer for the UECE Scholarship System. He has experience in Geography, with emphasis on Physical Geography, working mainly on the following subjects: Coastal Geography, Integrated Landscape and Geomorphological Heritage.

Ana Caroline Damasceno Souza, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Caicó (RN), Brazil

PhD in Geography (PROPGEO/UECE). Master and Licensed in Geography (UFRN). It is linked to the Research Group on Biogeography of Tropical Ecosystems (TRÓPIKOS / UFRN), coordinated by Prof. doctor Diógenes Costa (UFRN), with research directed at Ecosystem Services of Estuarine Environments. She is a researcher at the Laboratory of Coastal and Oceanic Geology and Geomorphology (LGCO / UECE) under the guidance of Prof Lidriana de Souza Pinheiro (UFC / UECE), with studies focused on ecosystem services of mangroves. She is a collaborating researcher at the Laboratory of Geoprocessing and Physical Geography (LAGGEF / UFRN / CERES). She develops studies on ecosystem services, environmental analysis and geosystems.

Diogo Bernardino Santos de Medeiros, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Içu (RN), Brazil

Master (PPGE/CCHLA, 2019), in Geography from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte,. In 2020, he was approved in the Selection Process that guaranteed him to assume, at the age of 23, the position of Temporary Professor in the Department of Geography of the Advanced Campus of Assu, of the State University of Rio Grande do Norte, where he is currently assigned (effective until 09 /2021). Together, he is a Volunteer Collaborating Professor (PCV-external) at the Department of Geography at the Higher Education Center of Seridó, at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (therefore, being a professor and student of the same course, concomitantly). Does he act as a researcher and member of the Geoprocessing and Physical Geography Laboratory? LAGGEF/UFRN and the Research Groups ?Geoprocessing and Physical Geography? (CNPq/UFRN) and ?Environment and Society? (CNPq/UERN). His scientific production is characterized by the pursuit of overcoming the duality of Physical Geography-Human Geography, whether when working from the perspective of Integrated Landscape Analysis (French School) or even when engaging in the following themes: Natural Conditions of Economic and Territorial Formation , Historical Cartography, Valorization of Space and Natural Resources, Epistemology of Geographical Science (etc.). Moreover, he enters the field of Philosophy of Science, in the study of Determinism (lato sensu); to the field of Cartography/Geotechnologies; and the Teaching of Geography. Furthermore, he is interested in music, literature, science and cinema in general.

Antônia Vilaneide Lopes Costa de Oliveira, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Caicó (RN), Brazil

Master in Development and Environment in the Regional Graduate Program in Development and Environment (PRODEMA) at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN).

Sandro Damião Ribeiro da Silva, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Caicó (RN), Brazil

Master (2018) and PhD student (2018 - present day) in Geography from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. He has experience in the area of Physical Geography, working mainly with theoretical-epistemological issues. Currently, he works with discussions related to the Geosystem.


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How to Cite
DINIZ, Marco Túlio Mendonça et al. CERRADO ENCLAVE AND THE UPDATE OF THE MAPPING OF LANDSCAPE UNITS IN THE STATE OF RIO GRANDE DO NORTE. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 21, nov. 2022. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <http://www.mercator.ufc.br/mercator/article/view/e21014>. Date accessed: 11 sep. 2024. doi: https://doi.org/10.4215/rm2022.e21014.