
This research studies the rural development public policy and the rural tourism activity in Rosana and Presidente Epitácio municipalities in São Paulo State/Brazil and Santiago de Compostela and Padrón municipalities in Galicia/Spain. Thus, the general objective is to analyze the tourism territorialization process in rural areas and compare public policies for rural development based on case studies in the Pontal do Paranapanema region in the State of São Paulo and the Autonomous Community of Galicia/SP. The methodological procedures used comparative analysis, highlighting the experience of two Spanish municipalities, Santiago de Compostela and Padrón, to draw similarities and differences with the Brazilian cases. The main results obtained in Brazil derived from the actions of the National Program for the Strengthening of Family Agriculture (PRONAF). The research in Santiago de Compostela and Padrón identified the presence of rural tourism houses, which were restored through subsidies from European Union rural development policies.

Keywords: Tourism in the Countryside. Local Development Public Policy.

Author Biographies

Clediane Nascimento Santos, Federal University of Rio Grande, Santa Vitória do Palmar (RS), Brazil

PhD in Geography from UNESP-Presidente Prudente Campus (2018). She is a researcher at the Rural Tourism Research Group (GEPTER) and the Study Group on Tourism in the Far South (GETES). Professor of Higher Education at the Federal University of Rio Grande, Santa Vitória do Palmar Campus. She has articles and book chapters published on the subject of public policies, tourism, rural tourism, heritage, culture, territory, territoriality and local development.

Rosângela Custodio Cortez Thomaz, Paulista State University, Presidente Prudente (SP), Brazil

PhD in Archeology from the University of São Paulo (USP - Brazil); Licensed and bachelor in Geography by UNESP in Presidente Prudente/SP; Assistant Professor Doctor of the Tourism Course at Universidade Estadual Paulista ? UNESP, Campus de Rosana/SP; Assistant Professor at the Graduate Program in Geography at UNESP in Presidente Prudente/SP (Line of Research: Agrarian dynamics, public policies and regional development); Leader of the Study and Research Group on Rural Tourism ? GEPTER/CNPq; General coordinator of the Thematic Network of University Extension Tourism, Sustainability and Quality of Life; Member of CLAA - PET/MEC/SESU/UNESP; Member of the Local Committee of CENEPP/Campus de Rosana/UNESP. She is currently a member of the municipal tourism council of the Municipality of Rosana; She has experience in the area of Tourism, with an emphasis on Rural Tourism, working mainly on the following topics: tourism, archeology, rural tourism, tourism geography and regional development.


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How to Cite
SANTOS, Clediane Nascimento; THOMAZ, Rosângela Custodio Cortez. DEVELOPMENT AND RURAL TOURISM. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 21, nov. 2022. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 sep. 2024. doi: