
The aim of this paper is to analyze whether the management of water resources in the state of RN meets the requirements of adaptive governance in order to enable adaptation processes to the possible impacts of climate change in semi-arid regions. To do so, the work follows the guidelines of a qualitative, exploratory and descriptive approach using a set of research instruments: bibliographic survey, case study, structured interviews and content analysis. The results show that the management of water resources in RN presents a series of challenges and obstacles to configure itself in a climate adaptive governance perspective. In summary, it is concluded that the management of water resources in the state of RN still does not meet
the requirements of a robust adaptive governance capable of operating responses to the risks of climate change and ensuring water security.

Keywords: Climate Change. Adaptation. Management of Water Resources. Sustainability. Brazilian Semi-arid.

Author Biographies

Eric Mateus Soares Dias, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal (RN), Brazil

PhD candidate in the Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Studies at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. He is a researcher at the Societies, Environments and Territories Interdisciplinary Laboratory (LISAT/UFRN), in the Sustainability, Climate Adaptation, Energies and Sociodiversity Research Network of territories and collaborator of the Natal Center of the National Institute of Science and Technology Observatory of the Metropolises (INCT-OM) . Does he serve as a professor at the National Service for Commercial Learning? SENAC/RN. Experiences in socio-environmental and environmental education projects. He develops research in the areas of socio-environmental public policies, water resources and climate adaptation.

Zoraide Souza Pessoa, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal (RN), Brazil

PhD in Environment and Society from the State University of Campinas (2012) with Master's (2003) and Graduation (2000) in Social Sciences and Specialization in Demography (2005) from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN). She is currently an associate professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, in the Department of Public Policy Management and vice coordinator of the Graduate Program in Urban and Regional Studies (PPEUR / UFRN). She is coordinator of the Societies, Environments and Territories Interdisciplinary Laboratory (LISAT / UFRN) and of the Sustainability, Climate Adaptation, Energies and Sociodiversity Research Network of territories. She works as a collaborating researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology Observatório das Metrópoles (INCTOM) -Núcleo RMNatal (UFRN), at the State and Public Policy Research Group (EPP/UFRN), at the Center for Socio-Environmental and Territorial Studies (NESAT/UERN) , from the Study Group on Environmental Management (GEGA/UERN) and the Support Center for Research on Climate Change (INCLINE/USP). She has experience in the area of Social Sciences, Urban and Regional Planning and Public Policies, working mainly in studies and research with an emphasis on the following themes: Contemporary socio-environmental issues, sustainability and public policies. Environmental Management and rural and urban territories. Cities, Metropolises and Sustainability. Socioenvironmental Risks and Vulnerability. Climate Change, Resilience and Adaptation. Socio-environmental Identity and Perception. Participation, Socio-environmental movements. Environmental Governance. Population and Environment. Energy and Water Alternatives.

Rylanneive Leonardo Pontes Teixeira, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal (RN), Brazil

Environments and Territories Interdisciplinary Laboratory (LISAT/UFRN) and a collaborator at the Natal Center of the National Institute of Science and Technology Observatory of the Metropolises (INCT-OM) and the Support Center for Research on Climate Change (INCLINE /USP). He has experience in the areas of Public Policy and Urban Planning, working mainly in studies with an emphasis on contemporary socio-environmental issues, in particular: environment, sustainability and public policies; risk management and urban planning; population and environment; public policies and climate agenda; cities and climate adaptive capacity; renewable energy; environmental and climate governance; environmental education and public policies. In addition, he is interested in the area of Scientific Methodology. Email:


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How to Cite
DIAS, Eric Mateus Soares; PESSOA, Zoraide Souza; TEIXEIRA, Rylanneive Leonardo Pontes. ADAPTIVE GOVERNANCE AND WATER SECURITY IN THE CONTEXT OF CLIMATE CHANGE IN THE SEMI-ARID. Mercator, Fortaleza, v. 21, feb. 2023. ISSN 1984-2201. Available at: <>. Date accessed: 11 sep. 2024. doi: